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Tag: Philosophy of Mind

  • Kant’s Noumenal vs. Phenomenal: The Limits of Human Understanding

    Immanuel Kant, one of the most influential philosophers of the Enlightenment, fundamentally reshaped how we think about reality and human perception. His distinction between the noumenal and phenomenal worlds is a cornerstone of his transcendental idealism, a theory that argues we never experience reality as it is in itself but only as it appears to…


  • The History of Neoplatonism: A Journey Through Time

    Neoplatonism is one of the most influential yet misunderstood philosophical movements in history. Emerging in the third century CE, it reinterpreted the ideas of Plato through a mystical and metaphysical lens. This system of thought profoundly shaped Western and Islamic philosophy, early Christian theology, and even Renaissance humanism. To understand Neoplatonism is to trace the…


  • The History of Platonism: From Ancient Greece to Modern Thought

    Platonism is one of the most enduring and influential philosophical traditions in history. Rooted in the teachings of Plato, this school of thought has shaped everything from metaphysics and ethics to political theory and mathematics. Over the centuries, Platonism has evolved, branching into Middle Platonism, Neoplatonism, and modern adaptations. Understanding its development offers insight into…